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Student Experience

Designing a brighter future for your local community

A New Perspective

At Digital School, student life is community life. Our students are raising families, working part-time or full-time jobs, serving their communities, and enjoying a new student experience. What changes during their time at Digital School isn’t the places they go or the things they do, but their perspective.

Digital School students look at the world just a little bit differently. They start visualizing more accessible buildings, improved public services, better transit systems, energy-efficient buildings, and more economical homes. Digital School students start admiring the intricacies of beautiful and practical architecture. They look at factories and industrial facilities, intrigued by systems and process challenges they can solve. Digital School students look at the people they see in supermarkets, office buildings, shopping centres, and suburban neighbourhoods, and wonder how they might make their futures brighter through better designs.

And Digital School graduates? They’re solving these challenges, changing landscapes, improving infrastructure, and building 3D models of those beautiful, practical homes and highrises. Digital School graduates are designing a brighter future for themselves and their local community.

That’s what the Digital School experience is all about – giving you the tools and skills to make a difference in the community you’re already a part of.

This is why we’ve developed a flexible, virtual college experience supported by real subject matter experts. So you can train for a career you love, on your terms, and make a difference …for you, your family, and your community.


Your Digital School experience starts with a simple conversation about your career goals and interests. Our admissions team is here to answer your questions and walk you through every aspect of the application and enrollment process.

Student Appreciation Day

It’s not the technology that drives results…

…but our student’s desire and vision.

Digital School Student Appreciation Day is one of the ways that we recognize the hard work of our students as they progress towards completing their courses. This is an event where students and staff gather together online to give recognition to our students. Awards, prizes and guest speakers are just some of the perks of these monthly celebrations.

Graduation Ceremonies

Digital School hosts a ceremony in honor of all the students that have graduated. This virtual event includes recognition of all graduating students, a Valedictorian speech as well as guest speakers from the AEC industry. The graduation experience is one that will never be forgotten!