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In recent years, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has completely changed the way buildings and other infrastructure projects are designed and built. That’s why the skills you can learn in a BIM Technician Certificate training program are so useful in preparing you for a bright future in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) field.

However, BIM isn’t just changing the AEC field; BIM itself is changing in response to industry demands and expectation. The latest example of this change is the adoption of ISO 19650, which is an international standardization for BIM. As a result, BIM training must also keep up with these latest changes. Find out what ISO 19650 is all about and how your BIM courses are adapting to help you remain job-ready in a changing industry.

The BIM Revolution Continues With the Adoption of ISO 19650

As anybody who has been following the AEC field in recent years knows, BIM has been revolutionary. Through the use of BIM, key players in AEC, including architects, contractors, designers, engineers, suppliers, and building managers, can work collaboratively to design, construct, and manage a project right from first concept to post-construction maintenance.

However, BIM’s global growth has also highlighted an important challenge: the differing BIM standards around the world. BIM has been embraced differently in different countries, which means that AEC players in one country may not be following the same BIM standards in another country. BIM terminology and processes, for example, can differ between regions. Fortunately, that is set to change thanks to the recent adoption of ISO 19650, an international standard for BIM.

ISO 19650 Will Ensure That the Same BIM Standards Are Used Across the Globe

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the leading international body responsible for setting standards for proprietary, industrial, and commercial purposes. ISO standards are highly respected and, while they are voluntary, they are extensively used by businesses, governments, and organizations in most countries. This is because ISO standardization allows players throughout the world to work according to the same standards. In other words, it’s like creating one giant rulebook that everybody can play by no matter where they are based.

ISO with young woman writing on a blackboard

For students in BIM training, this global standardization poses a significant benefit. It means that companies and organizations that follow ISO 19650 will be using the same standards no matter where they are. As a result, the ISO 19650 BIM skills students learn in one corner of the world can be applied to a BIM project that follows ISO 19650 on the other side of the globe.

It also means greater international collaboration on projects will be easier, with companies in different countries now able to use the same BIM standards on a single project. As a result, ISO 19650 is expected to help fuel global adoption of BIM, which, of course, is also highly beneficial to the long-term career prospects of students in BIM college.

Digital School Students in BIM Training GeT Access to ISO 19650 Training

Reflecting the fact that ISO 19650 is expected to be so important for the BIM field, Global eTraining (GeT) recently announced a new lineup of courses: ISO 19650 Global BIM Standards. This lineup addresses such important BIM topics as asset lifecycle, dimensions and documents, collaborative working, terminology, and the roles and responsibilities of BIM. These BIM courses are part of the GeT Everything Library, and BIM students at Digital School will have access to them. Through these courses, students will be trained in BIM according to ISO 19650 standards, thus making them job-ready for this next stage of the BIM revolution.

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