From Inventor to Revit, students who complete engineering CAD technician training learn how to use several important software programs. As technology develops and the engineering space turns ever more to software as a method of drafting and designing projects, more and greater tools and apps are being developed to help professionals get their work done. Even as this new wealth of competitors grows, there’s one application that remains an industry mainstay and well-liked by many of the students and professionals who use it: AutoCAD.
Wondering why AutoCAD remains in such widespread use and favour with engineering CAD technician training programs and the professionals who graduate from them? Here’s a look at some important reasons why.
AutoCAD Makes it Easy for Engineering CAD Technicians to Work Quickly
One of the biggest benefits of using AutoCAD to do drafting work is that it can be quite fast. Features like snapping objects and shapes together in the app, purging unwanted or unnecessary things that have popped up throughout the process of design, and other tricks can help with streamlining a workflow and getting through engineering projects quickly.
Better still, the deep market penetration of AutoCAD and its longevity in the professional space has led to large communities of experienced users refining the use of the program. Tips, tricks, and hacks for AutoCAD abound online, meaning that if you take on a career as an engineering CAD technician, you can expect to find a lot of resources to help you make optimal use of the product. This combination of capability and support is a major reason for AutoCAD’s lasting popularity.
New Collaboration Features Make Teamwork in AutoCAD Much Easier
Today, engineering and drafting projects are often collaborative efforts between teams, or groups of individuals, all weighing in on the development of the model or design being worked on. That AutoCAD makes it so easy to collaborate is an important reason why it is a popular solution among engineering technicians.
Features like easy uploading of projects to the cloud, real-time collaboration, and browser-based access to AutoCAD projects can all help an engineering technician do great teamwork wherever they are in the world. If you plan on heading into an engineering CAD technician career after completing your training, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of these features. Play around with them while working on projects during your engineering CAD technicians diploma program and you can quickly master the basics and be ready to efficiently collaborate with others in your future career.

Collaboration features in AutoCAD make it easy to collaborate from anywhere
AutoCAD Offers Stress-Test Features for Engineering CAD Technicians
A design might look great, but will that translate into functionality when it is brought to the real world? With AutoCAD, it’s possible to check in advance, with stress-testing simulations built right into the application. An engineering CAD technician can see how different components might deform, or if the materials that will be used for the project will be able to hold up to the pressures they are expected to see once they are built into a physical design.
While this sort of digital recreation is not a perfect replacement for real-world testing, it at least provides a helpful hint as to whether serious and obvious issues exist, which can be fixed prior to building out a prototype. This functionality is a great asset for helping save money and time and is a favourite tool of many working in a career as an engineering technician. Expect to make extensive use of it yourself if you choose this career path after your training.
Do you want to learn more about the apps used at CAD and BIM College?
Contact Digital School to find out more about our training programs!