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In a knowledge-based economy, skilled trades play an important role and are essential to maintaining Canada’s position in the global marketplace. Trade certification allows employers to recognize a worker’s skills. Therefore, trade certification can facilitate higher wages, labor mobility and improved employment prospects.

But how much value does trade certification have on the market? For one, certification is a great way to get your foot in the door. When surveying the market, we can see that some respondents who initially used trade certification to secure a position were able to outgrow that position and move upwards from within the company, becoming finance directors, marketing managers or senior management personnel.

This is positive news not just for workers, but also for employers and accreditation bodies, which often invest a significant amount of time and resources in raising awareness of the benefits of accredited Autodesk certification among businesses, government departments and regulators. Employers know that requiring certification for a position comes with a cost (higher wages), but also a benefit, as they are guaranteed a worker who will be properly trained and ready to contribute to the success of the enterprise.

The real value of certification

A majority of businesses agree that certification adds value to their organization, and leads to an increase in sales as a direct result of the certification. The reason for this is that requiring certification is often important to the customers, and makes a great selling point. Certification also often helps businesses meet national regulatory requirements.

As a whole, certification is something that organizations choose to pursue, primarily to improve internal operations and to provide customer confidence, rather than something that is done begrudgingly, just to tick compliance boxes. It’s not just the larger companies that are realizing these benefits, though. A recent trend for smaller companies with less than 50 employees is to be aggressive by pushing for trade certification.

How important are certification bodies?

Credible, accredited Autodesk certification bodies are very important. Some trade certifications are recognized overseas, which can be tremendously helpful in developing international business. For a BIM Technician or other professions, getting trade certification from a certification body can be a fairly complex, time-consuming and costly process, but professionals generally find that they provide value for the money and time invested, in that they open up new avenues that were previously inaccessible.


Not only can Autodesk certification be used as a tool to improve internal processes and meet regulatory compliance, but businesses confirm that it has a positive effect on revenue, regardless of the enterprise’s size, from small business to large multinational. As the structure of the Canadian economy changes in response to shifts in the global economy, a mobile labor force is important to ensure that labor is reallocated to where it is most needed.

Every year, a significant number of Canadians move to a different region in search of better job opportunities. Proper certification ensures that their skills, whether they are in architecture training or process piping training, will be recognized everywhere, making it easier for employers across the country to make good use of their skillsets.